Monday, December 20, 2010
Catalog Goes Koha!
The catalog features much more intuitive searching - it even checks your spelling! If you do get an error message please email us at - we are still troubleshooting and appreciate any information you can give us to help us.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Celebrating Latino Food & Culture
Janer, Zilkia. Latino Food Culture Greenwood, 2008.
Albyn, Carole L., Lois S. Webb "Latin America." The Multicultural Cookbook for Students. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood, 1993.
Lovera, Jose. Food Culture in South America. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood, 2005.
Note: these were titles that appeared in our subscription to Daily Life Online, which now has significantly revised content intended to be more academic in nature - for example, see "Food & Drink in 20th Century Latin America." by Molly Todd. Daily Life through History. ABC-CLIO, 2010.
Nobel Prize in Literature - Latin America
Short biographies of each author may be found in our Gale Virtual Reference Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. Ed. Jay Kinsbruner and Erick D. Langer. 2nd ed. Scribner's, 2008.
- Mario Vargas Llosa (2010)
- Octavio Paz. (1990)
- Gabriel García Márquez (1982)
- Pablo Neruda (1971)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
New to Gale Virtual Reference
Presents entries written by the world's leading mathematicians. Introduces basic mathematical tools and vocabulary, traces the development of modern mathematics, explains essential terms and concepts, examines core ideas in major areas of mathematics, describes the achievements of scores of famous mathematicians, and explores the impact of mathematics on other disciplines such as biology, finance, and music.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
2009-2010 Database Cancellations
Cancelled as of June 1st, 2010
Cancelled as of July 1st, 2010
Please contact CBC Library Reference if you have comments or need help locating alternative resources.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
New to Gale Virtual Reference
The Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer. 3rd ed. Gale, 2010.
Comprehensive survey of 120 cancers, cancer drugs, traditional and alternative treatments, side effects and diagnostic procedures.The Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery and Medical Tests. Gale, 2009.
Provides coverage of numerous surgical procedures, medical tests and related topics, such as anesthetics, common lab test and procedures, medications and postoperative care. Entries for medical test and surgical include definition; purpose; demographic information; diagnosis/preparation; aftercare; risks; morbidity and mortality rates; alternatives; and more.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Summer Hours for Richland Library
The Richland library will have the following reduced hours for Summer 2010.
Closed: June 19-27
June 28-August 27
Monday-Thursday: 8am-1pm
Friday-Sunday: Closed
Closed July 5
Closed: August 28-Sept 19
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Choose Privacy Week
Choose Privacy Week Trailer from 20K Films on Vimeo.
New study shows young adults value online privacy but many "believe incorrectly that the law protects their privacy online and offline more than it actually does." (p.4): Hoofnagle, Chris Jay, King, Jennifer, Li, Su and Turow, Joseph, How Different are Young Adults from Older Adults When it Comes to Information Privacy Attitudes and Policies? (April 14, 2010). Available at SSRN:
Monday, April 26, 2010
7 Day Loan Videos
Short URL to the list of videos:
Sunday, April 25, 2010
DUI meeting
Friday, April 2, 2010
EBSCOhost Interface Updates
A minor but helpful change is the addition of the word 'Cite' to the previously mysterious golden page button that generates article citations in MLA, APA, and four other styles.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Bookstore Hours during Spring Break
March 30 -- 7:30am – 3:30pm
March 31 -- 7:30am – 3:30pm
April 1 -- 7:30am – 3:30pm
April 2 -- 7:30am – 12:30pm
Hours during the quarter are posted on their website: Note that the bookstore sells textbooks and is located in the H building on the 2nd floor. The library is located in the L building and only has textbooks reserved for library use when provided by the instructor/department.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Copyright Resources
The Laws
- The complete copyright law: Title 17 of the United States Code
- Section 107 on Fair Use: § 107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use
- Section 110 on Classroom Exemption, which incorporates the TEACH ACT in Section 110(2): § 110. Limitations on exclusive rights: Exemption of certain performances and displays
- Know Your Copy Rights—What You Can Do (6 page brochure) from Association of Research Libraries [16.4 MB Full Color PDF] [282 KB Black PDF]
- Know your copy right: Supplementary FAQ
- Linking to CBC Library Databases, Articles & Journals (2 page handout in PDF)
- Fair use checklist
- Teach Act checklist
- Sample general copyright warning notice: "Notice: This material is provided for your educational use as an enrolled student of this class only. This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code)."
- Copyright Scenarios - University of Minnesota Library
- Fair Use and Video: Community Practices in the Fair Use of Video in Libraries (SECTION 3: COMMUNITY PRACTICE discusses 5 cases concerning damaged or lost videos, off-air recordings, course-based streaming, and downloading streaming content.)
- List of CBC Library books on the subject of "copyright" and/or "fair use"
Example: Armatas, Steven A. Distance Learning and Copyright: A Guide to Legal Issues. Chicago : American Bar Association, 2008. Call Number: KF3030.1 .A947 2008 - Crash Course in Copyright by Georgia K. Harper from UT System
- Crash Course in Copyright Section: Fair Use of Copyrighted Materials
- Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States by Peter B. Hirtle from Cornell University
- New Creative Commons Information Pack from National Copyright Unit and Creative Commons Australia
- Creative Commons: A Quick Overview
- List of public domain resources
- Stanford Copyright & Fair Use Center
- USG Copyright Policy
- Tutorial from NCSU libraries
- Campus Guide to Copyright Compliance (with quiz questions) by Copyright Clearance Center
- Univ. of Taxas TEACH Act page, including checklist
- ALA Distance Education & The TEACH Act page: duties of instructors section
- Society for Cinema & Media Studies Best Practices In Fair Use
- Library Copyright Alliance: Streaming of Films for Edcuational Purposes
- List of additional resources: Copyright resources on the Web: Sites to keep you current
Monday, March 22, 2010
Open Textbook Resources
- Community College Open Textbook Collaborative (CCOTC)
- Learn More About Open Textbooks - Student PIRGs
- Links to Open Textbook Websites
- Sample Open Textbooks
- Understanding Creative Commons Licenses
- Wave: free web accessibility evaluation tool
- Other Useful Resources:
updated 10/29/2010 y.y.
Open Textbook Websites
Connexions (Connexions® is a registered trademark of Rice University. Connexions is a large open repository of learning modules that anyone can contribute to and anyone can download the content freely. Modules are small unit of educational material. Related modules are grouped into "collections", which can be journal articles or used as textbooks. You can either search everything by keyword limited to subject area or browse. You can also limit your search to just "collections". Connexions uses "Lenses" for quality control. "Lenses are content selected by an organization or individual". View the list of Connexions Featured Content.)
Flat World Knowledge Catalog (This publisher works with authors to publish open, customizable textbooks that includes teaching supplements and uses editorial and peer review process. Students can choose to use the free online format, or purchase at a relatively lower cost printed textbooks, audiobooks, e-books for mobile devices, or print at home options.)
OER Commons (Click on one of the featured searches on the left "Open Textbooks".)
Openstax College (Rice University, new in 2012 as reported in an article published in Inside Highered.)
Merlot search results limit to Type: Open Textbook (more than 600 results)
Orange Grove Texts Plus, a joint initiative of the University Press of Florida and the Orange Grove, Florida’s Digital Repository
The Global Text Project
Learning Units from the Open University
Supplemental Resources from MIT Open Courseware (Online textbooks are marked by the icon with a white "T" in red background)
California Free Digital Textbook Initiative Review Results (for California Schools)
List of Open Textbooks compiled by PIRGs
Writing Spaces, "an open textbook project for college-level writing studies courses", consisted of peer-reviewed essays.
Updated 2/7/2012 yy
Sample Open Textbooks
- A select group of open textbooks by Student run PIRGs
- Environmental Science in the 21st Century by Robert Stewart, Professor, Oceanography Department, Texas A&M University (Read his Educause article: Some Thoughts on Free Textbooks)
- Educational Psychology from Global Text
- Calculus by Gilbert Strang (See the whole list of Math Textbooks complied by George Cain)
- Elementary Statistics
- Collaborative Statistics
- Introduction to Economic Analysis
- Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry by William Reusch (Retired from MSU)
Understanding Creative Commons Licenses
- Creative Commons Homepage
- Creative Commons Licenses
- New Creative Commons Information Pack from National Copyright Unit and Creative Commons Australia. The information pack includes the following eight quick guides in PDF.
- What is Creative Commons?
- How to Find Creative Commons (CC) Licensed Material
- How to Find CC Licensed Material Using the Creative Commons Search Portal
- How to Find CC Licensed Material Using Google
- How to Find CC Licensed Material Using Yahoo
- How to Find CC Licensed Material Using Mozilla Firefox
- A Quick Reference Guide to Finding CC Material
- How to Attribute CC Licensed Material
Ebooks From the CBC Library
CBC Library licenced ebook collections (These are general book collections, but some may be suitable to be used as textbook or supplemental readings.)
ACLS Humanities E-Books (unlimited access)
Ebrary (unlimited access)
Ovid Books (unlimited access)
EBSCOhost eBook Collection (1 simultaneous user, fine for optional readings)
We also have reference book collections online:
ABC-CLIO Reference Ebooks
Gale Virtual Reference
Free ebooks From Publishers
Free monthly sample e-book from University of Chicago Press
Gutenberg-e, free online award-winning monographs from Columbia University Press and the American Historical Association.
Texas A&M UP Carolyn and Ernest Fay Series in Analytical Psychology (15 books as of 3/2010)
Friday, March 19, 2010
Available at Circulation
We also have headphones (computer and AV), calculators, and book/paper holders available for library use from the Circulation desk - and pen drives that can be checked out for 1 week.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tutor Center Hours - Winter 2010 Finals Week
March 22-24, 2010
Mon -- 8:00am-2:50pm
Tues -- 8:00am-8:00pm
Wed -- 8:00am-12noon
Note that CBC Students have access to eTutoring as well. This service allows you to submit drafts of papers or questions to tutors in:
Anatomy & Physiology
Math (Developmental through Calculus)
Medical Coding
MS Office 2007
Web Development (xHTML, CSS, and Adobe Dreamweaver)
Live chat-based tutoring in Accounting, Calculus, Math, and Statistics is also available.
Friday, March 12, 2010
New to Gale Virtual Reference
Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians
Covers all musical genres, with new entries written by a distinguished group of area specialists as well as the original articles by Nicolas Slonimsky. This work continues the tradition of offering the most comprehensive and authoritative information on musicians, along with interesting and insightful evaluations of their contributions to the musical world.Encyclopedia of Bioethics
Covering a wealth of topics on the ethics of health professions, animal research, population control and the environment, the set helps researchers to consider the impact of new scientific knowledge and its potential to harm or benefit present and future generations.Encyclopedia of Gender and Society
Covers the major theories, research, people, and issues in contemporary gender studies. Offers a cross-national/cross-cultural perspective that provides comparative analyses of the life experiences of men and women around the world.Encyclopedia of Race and Crime
Covers issues in both historical and contemporary context, with information on race and ethnicity and their impact on crime and the administration of justice. Explores the similar historical experiences of varied racial and ethnic groups and illustrates how race and ethnicity has mattered and continues to matter in the administration of American criminal justice.Encyclopedia of Science and Religion
A multidisciplinary approach that addresses all aspects of the dialogue between the sciences and the world's religions, reaching into the humanities as well as into the physical sciences and technology. Examines controversial issues such as human cloning and stem cell research long with more traditional questions such as the origins of life, the nature of sin, and the philosophy of science and religion.Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics
This Encyclopedia considers both the professional ethics of science and technology, and the ethical and political issues raised by science and technology in an increasingly complex and global society. This broad coverage supports the numerous courses in applied and professional ethics and policy related to the practice of science and technology in education.Encyclopedia of Scientific Principles, Laws, and Theories
Provides descriptions of the most famous scientific concepts, principles, laws, and theories that are known in the areas of astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, mathematics, medicine, meteorology, and physics.Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender
Addresses issues of sex and gender at the personal and the social level; examines issues of identity, status, class, ethnicity, race, and nation; of sexuality and the body; of social institutions and the structures of representation. Topics include changing conceptions of "the feminine," the family and masculinity, religion, morality, cultural images, medical practice, public health, economy and society and many more.Encyclopedia of Social Problems
Provides as comprehensive an approach as possible to this multifaceted field, utilizing experts from numerous disciplines. These subject areas include anthropology, biology, business, chemistry, communications, criminal justice, demography, economics, education, environmental studies, geography, health, history, languages, political science, psychology, social work, sociology, and women's studies.The Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Health
Provides detailed information on mental disorders and conditions. Also features entries for prescription, alternative and over-the-counter drugs, as well as the various therapies used to treat mental disorders.The Gale Encyclopedia of Science
Covers all major areas of science, engineering, technology, as well as mathematics and the medical and health sciences, while providing a comprehensive overview of current scientific knowledge and technology. Entries typically describe scientific concepts, provide overviews of scientific areas and, in some cases, define terms.Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia
Covers emerging technologies affecting genetics, global warming, communications, informatics and nanotechnology.
Qwidgets Everywhere!
Of course, we still hope that you will come in to our libraries and let our reference librarians assist you, live and in person. But if you're at home struggling with your research paper late at night when the library is closed, isn't it nice to know you can still Ask A Librarian?
Monday, March 1, 2010
LitFest 2010 Authors
Mid-Columbia Literary Festival Homepage
CBC Library LitFest Display
Upcoming Presentations
Jack Hamann - Thursday May 20th, 7 PM- Search for Books by Jack Hamann in the CBC Library Catalog
- "When Justice Became a Casualty of War." American History 1 Apr. 2008. EBSCOhost
- Homepage - Jack Hamann - blogs, video clips, links to articles, information about the author/reporter.
Past Presentations
Chris Crutcher - May 5th- Search for Books by Chris Crutcher in the CBC Library Catalog (also the movie Angus, adapted from his short story)
- Articles - ProQuest - Most are commentary from the NCTE journal Voices from the Middle about various issues related to education and adolescence.
- Author website - links to excerpts from several novels
Jess Walter - March 4
- Search for Books by Jess Walter in the CBC Library Catalog
- Newspaper articles (ProQuest)
- Magazine Articles (EBSCOhost) - includes excerpts from In Contempt and Every Knee Shall Bow.
Pete Fromm - March 4
- Search for Books by Pete Fromm in the CBC Library Catalog
- "Wordscapes." Includes the Fromm essay "Spring Runoff" (pages 67-69). Sierra 1 Nov. 1991. ProQuest.
- "Indian Creek chronicles. " Field & Stream 1 Feb. 1996. ProQuest.
- "Raising Robert." (short story) Good Housekeeping, Jan98, Vol. 226 Issue 1, p140, 3 pages. EBSCOhost.
- "Keeping watch." (short story) Good Housekeeping, Feb97, p159, 2pages. EBSCOhost.
- Search for Books by Tod Marshall in the CBC Library Catalog
- Poem and 3 Poet Interviews - EBSCOhost
- Essays, Poetry & Poet Interviews - ProQuest
Monday, February 22, 2010
MLA Format for Research Papers in MS Word 2007
Posted to YouTube March 31, 2009. Video created by Dr. Tonya-Marie Howe, assistant professor, Literature and Languages, Marymount University. Covers formatting margins, line spacing, headers, hanging indent for works cited, and more. Audio is music-only. Some instructions are specific to her classes, such as the requirement to use a serifed font - MLA only requires "an easily readable typeface (e.g., Times New Roman)." MLA 7th, 4.2.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Oxford Reference Online - new content!
New Titles
· The Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins
· The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang
· A Dictionary of Sports Studies
New editions
· A Dictionary of the Bible (includes 4 historical maps)
· A Dictionary of Popes
· The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
New Sortable/Searchable Resource List
- Sort the list by "subject", then by "format" if needed.
- Search the list using the search box on the right.
- To go back to the default list, click on (Reset All Filters).
- The new list was created using MIT Simile Exhibit 2.0.
Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Expanded Green Zone
- The reference collection was weeded and some volumes were moved to Archives;
- The reference shelves in the middle of the library were shifted to the west;
- Four large tables were added to the Green Zone outside of the Epicenter;
- “Reserve Ref shelf”: All reserve reference books (those books that your professors pulled for specific classes and have different loan periods) are on a standalone “Reserve Ref shelf” behind the reference desk and the new books shelf now.
- “Oversized shelf”: All oversized books (art books, etc.) are on the “Oversized shelf” at the end of the main collection now.