Monday, May 12, 2014

Ferguson's Career Guidance Center

We now have a subscription to Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center, which provides detailed job and industry profiles, advice on job-hunting and career skills, résumé writing advice and samples, short videos on a wide variety of related topics, college search and job finder tools, and more.

Additional resources are outlined in our other blog:

Friday, April 25, 2014

Graphing Calculator

We have added a TI-84 Graphing Calculator to the equipment available for use in the library.  This was one of the most requested items on our recent technology survey.  It may now be requested at the Circulation Desk; as with our other items (computer and regular headphones, projector, webcam) you'll need to leave your student ID as collateral while using it in the library.  If you need to check out a graphing calculator please visit the Math department office and they will assist you.

Reading For Fun

We had comments both on our recent library survey and in our comment box that the library needed more and better recreational reading titles.  The college responded by giving us funds to purchase brand new books (normally this collection is build on donations).  We have a survey posted in Canvas we hope you'll take to help us spend the money!  If you'd like to see what is coming in here is a link to items added to Recreational Reading in the last 90 days.